DxPX Conference support to the Virtual US event in July

BIOASTER is proud to support DxPx Conference Industry & Investor Conference, the unique international partnering conference with focus on #diagnostics, #PrecisionMedicine & research tools. During the virtual US event from July 27th – 31st, 2021, Xavier Morge,...

Registrations still opened for I4ID 2019!

Don’t forget to register to the next I4ID 2019 congress! Registrations to the 3rd Immunotherapies & Innovation for Infectious Diseases (I4ID2019) are still opened. The congress will be held on...

BIOASTER obtains certification NGO Source

BIOASTER, the Technology Research Institute (TRI) gives itself the means to develop new partnerships with American foundations invested in the fight against infectious diseases. The BIOASTER Foundation received an “Equivalency...