Open Call: Apply for TRANSVAC2 Vaccine Development Services

Open Call: Apply for TRANSVAC2 Vaccine Development Services Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at...


BIOASTER first shareholder with its two co-founders Adama OUATTARA and Wassim ABOU-JAOUDE of Gencovery. Wishing success to the first BIOASTER start-up. Gencovery provides cutting-edge software based on digital organisms for...

Discover our new @BIOASTER publication in @NatureProtocols.

A droplet #microfluidics technology has been developed to measure #proteinsecretion kinetics from #singlecells. This technology has been successfully used to characterize monocyte anergy in septic shock patients. SharedIt link   

For a new kind of fight

A Covid-19 learning By Nathalie Garçon, CEO/CSO BIOASTER   The current crisis reminds us today of the absolute and universal need to prepare in advance for such epidemics, which no...

Watch our new video about SMART OMICS – Expertises @BIOASTER

#OmicsTechnologies are today in the heart of early research in #microbiology and #InfectiousDiseases. To leverage these #technologies in applied research, we need to develop new solutions corresponding to industrial processes...

New collaboration with Exeliom Biosciences

BIOASTER announces a collaboration with Exeliom Biosciences, a leading biotech in the developement of innovative microbiome-based therapies, located in Paris and Dijon, France. The aim of the partnership is to...