BIOASTER publishes a new article in Frontiers in Immunology .

BIOASTER in collaboration with Cochin Hospital and the REALISM project consortium (study of the pathophysiology of intensive care patients and on biomarkers), has just published the article entitled “Assessing the...

New collaboration with PiLeJe Laboratoire

PiLeJe Laboratoire to collaborate with BIOASTER to investigate the health potential of a probiotic selection Pileje Laboratoire, a French company leader in probiotic-based dietary supplements in Europe and specialized in...

LUMI-Seq®: New video on line!

LUMI-Seq®: New video on line! Check out the new Designed BY BIOASTER video about LUMI-Seq® technology: A novel targeted sequencing  technology for generating long reads from Illumina sequencers.


BIOASTER first shareholder with its two co-founders Adama OUATTARA and Wassim ABOU-JAOUDE of Gencovery. Wishing success to the first BIOASTER start-up. Gencovery provides cutting-edge software based on digital organisms for...

BIOASTER is proud to share a new article published in PLOS ONE.

“Caecal microbiota compositions from 7-day-old chicks reared in high-performance and low-performance industrial farms and systematic culturomics to select strains with anti-Campylobacter activity”. See the article This work carried out in...