For a new kind of fight

A Covid-19 learning By Nathalie Garçon, CEO/CSO BIOASTER   The current crisis reminds us today of the absolute and universal need to prepare in advance for such epidemics, which no...


We are going through a major and unprecedented crisis, which involves drastically rethinking our lifestyles and work to slow down the epidemic, which is now ubiquitous, allow our health system...

SMART OMICS: Expertises@BIOASTER new video online!

Have a look to our brand new video online on EXPERTISES @BIOASTER’s series about SMART OMICS: Video SMART OMICS The BIOASTER omics Hub team presents SMART OMICS concept. Omics technologies...

Application Note from OMICs Hub Metabolomics

APPLICATION NOTE from the OMICs HUB about inter-individual heterogeneity in clinical metabolomics studies: Assessment of inter-individual NMR/MS metabolic signatures variability in plasma of a heterogeneous group of healthy volunteers –...

Watch our new video about SMART OMICS – Expertises @BIOASTER

#OmicsTechnologies are today in the heart of early research in #microbiology and #InfectiousDiseases. To leverage these #technologies in applied research, we need to develop new solutions corresponding to industrial processes...