Appel à Partenariats

Profitez d’une opportunité unique pour faire valoir vos idées, vos projets, vos besoins et remettre le sujet des maladies infectieuses émergentes au cœur des sujets santé en France ! TPE,...

Antimicrobials Program Highlights 2020

Hopefully, we will have a chance to share updates face to face, in the meantime we are happy to highlight some of the 2020 Antimicrobials Program achievements. If this should...

LUMI-Seq®: Nouvelle vidéo en ligne!

LUMI-Seq®: Nouvelle vidéo en ligne Découvrez la nouvelle vidéo technologie Designed BY BIOASTER sur la technologie LUMI-Seq® : Une nouvelle approche de séquençage ciblé permettant la génération de longues séquences...

Open Call: Apply for TRANSVAC2 Vaccine Development Services

Open Call: Apply for TRANSVAC2 Vaccine Development Services Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at...

Pre-print publication COVID19

PRE-PRINT COVID19 : Discovery of clinically approved drugs capable of inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 in vitro infection using a phenotypic screening strategy and network-analysis to predict their potential to treat covid-19 Authors:...