LUMI-Seq®: New video on line!

LUMI-Seq®: New video on line! Check out the new Designed BY BIOASTER video about LUMI-Seq® technology: A novel targeted sequencing  technology for generating long reads from Illumina sequencers.


2020, with the sudden and severe emergence of SARS-CoV-2, has shown that teaming-up and collaborating is our best option in coming together against a pandemic. More than ever, BIOASTER’s purpose...

Open Call: Apply for TRANSVAC2 Vaccine Development Services

Open Call: Apply for TRANSVAC2 Vaccine Development Services Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at...

FIND and BIOASTER collaborate on clinical research

FIND and BIOASTER collaborate on clinical research to assess duration of immune response in patients with COVID-19 Studies will assess whether there is an association between detection of COVID-19 antibodies...