IPA World Congress & PROBIOTA Americas @Washington DC, US

IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas @Washington DC, USA Talk of Vincent Thomas, head of Microbiota program The IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas 2020  brings together global experts to share insights on scientific...

Congress Biosensor meeting

16th International Conference & Exhibition on Biosensors & Bioelectronics May 27-28, 2022 Montreal, Canada Innovations & Reforms in the field of Biosensors Team Diagnostic Program  

IABS meeting BIOASTER FMT Webinar

Join the 2nd IABS webinar on Standards for Faecal Microbiota Transplant: Tools and Therapeutic Advances ! Organized by BIOASTER on May 24th & May 25th from 16:00 to 18:30 CEST...

Immune Profiling Demonstrates a Commin Immune Signature of Delayed Acquired Immunodeficiency in the Patients with Various Etiologies of Severe Injury

Authors: Fabienne Venet, Julien Textoris, Sophie Blein, Mary-Luz Rol, Maxime Bodinier, Bertrand Canard, Pierre Cortez, Boris Meunier, Lionel K Tan, Craig Tipple, Laurence Quemeneur, Frédéric Reynier, Philippe Leissner, Christophe Védrine, Yves Bouffard, Benjamin Delwarde, Olivier Martin, Thibaut Girardot, Cyrille Truc, Andrew D Griffiths, Virginie Moucadel, Alexandre Pachot, Guillaume Monneret, Thomas Rimmelé; REALISM study group DOI

Congress Pharmabiotics Conference @Lyon, FR

Congress Pharmabiotics Conference @Lyon, FR https://www.pharmabioticsevent.com/ Participation of all Microbiota program team: Talk of Dr. Vincent THOMAS Stand of Nadège ADOUARD Poster about Gut on chip from Ilia BELOTSERKOVSKY  

Cell Factories for Industrial Bioproduction (CFIB)

Congress Cell Factories for Industrial Bioproduction (CFIB) in Biocitech Technology Park Paris-Romainville Registration & information: https://asso.adebiotech.org/colloques/cell-factories-for-industrial-bioproduction/ Participation of Nadège Adouard from Microbiota program. https://asso.adebiotech.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/CFIB2022_Flyer-1.pdf

Probiota Global 2022 @Copenhagen, Denmark

Congres Probiota Global 2022@Copenhagen, Denmark Connecting the business and science of the microbiome.   Participation of Vincent THOMAS, head of Microbiota program.    

New publication about COVID-19 vaccine on eBioMedicine

The COVID19-101 project in partnership with the Institut Pasteur aimed to characterize the immune response induced by the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate as part of a phase I clinical study. This...