Face the DATA challenges in Life Sciences
Master the whole Data Value Chain to serve Advanced Data Integration & Analysis objectives of Life Sciences projects
Biological questions you want to address often require the design of (pre-)clinical studies and the production of both multiple and diverse endpoints and readouts, e.g. omics.
In such challenging Life Science context, how shall we help you turn large amount of complex, heterogeneous and high-dimensional data into actionable knowledge?
BIOASTER’s Data Offer consists in mastering the whole data chain value in a fully controlled way, from readout capture, advanced integrative data analysis up to knowledge consolidation and sharing.
We apply the same quality standards and good practices, whatever the project complexity or size, to guarantee robust results delivery.
Data Capture & Lineage
Achieve the first integration-level of Data/Metadata coming from diverse and heterogeneous species & specimens.
We offer a full-stack service: by design, your project will benefit from “data continuity”, starting from samples collection, lab. analytics up to bioinfomatics and statistical treatments: both samples and data are managed “under the same roof” which strengthens the whole data chain value and favors further data integration.
- Accurate data tracking and registering based on laboratory digitizing solutions LIMS for readout, eCRF for clinical endpoints, etc.
- Depending on your demands, we offer generic/centralized data warehousing solutions and deeper (meta)data relationships modelling and merging. This allows us to better handle the complexity of biospecimens and readout reconciliation originating from different clinical sites, (pre)clinical studies, samplings, time points, etc.
- We perform data wrangling to achieve data standardisation (use of ontology, data dictionary, etc.) and data enrichment (interoperability with literature and external biological reference database, etc.). Both are crucial steps prior to any accurate data analytics process.
- We adopt FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Reusable data) to govern our scientific Data Management backbone.
See how it’s applied in our case studies: MOSAIC, GNA-Now, COVID-AuRA Translate
Data Analytics
Make yours the latest advancement in Bioinformatics & AI/ML to address integrative analytics challenges originating from Translational & Precision Medicines, host-pathogen interplay or System Biology.
We have developed a holistic approach, by making the data most meaningful in order to reach refined outcomes. For this, we set up a continuous and virtuous feed-back loop between biological experts, bioinformaticians and data scientists.
With you, we define your project objectives in terms of set of clear, limited and unambiguous biological questions to be addressed.
- Our core analytics frameworks is able to adapt to a wide diversity of projects objectives: find molecular signatures from single-omics or multi-omics experiments, rapid profiling of microbiota in longitudinal samples, events correlation (e.g. local vs. systemic or late vs. early to decipher the MoA of an adjuvant in multi-species system vaccinology program), stratifying populations for precision medicine (e.g. poor/good responders), reducing signatures to improve an IVD test, etc.
- We explore data connections by deciphering the best suitable statistical models able to explain or predict response variables based on complex integration of molecular readout and clinical endpoints.
- We make you benefit from the cumulative advantage of BigData and Artificial Intelligence (e.g. Deep Learning algorithms) to explore new data type associations (e.g. omics, cytometry, image, etc.) as well as unsuspected potentials in terms of times to result gain, throughput and improved sensibility/specificity.
Discover more in our case studies: MOSAIC, COVID-AuRA Translate
Data Collaboration
Make your project’s knowledge actionable while retaining the full control on keeping or broadcasting information assets.
- We provide you with a data sharing web platform to access the data while assuring a strict role-based access control and secured information transfer.
- You have access to advanced tools for high-content & dynamic data visualization to reduce data complexity while facilitating results interpretation.
- We also design, prototype and implement all-in-one digital solutions, which integrate bioinformatics or statistical treatments as well as Visual Analytics for hypothesis-generation/testing and guiding decision making in clinical context.
- Data and knowledge are shaped to promote further valorization (IP, publication, licensing, etc.)
Read our case study here: Metagenomics
Shape your biological questions of interest
Let’s design together the project to fit the best with your objectives
Data value chain
Take advantage of “same roof-made” continuity and Quality & Regulatory frameworks compliance both for readout production and data analytics
Benefit from the pluri-disciplinary interplay of a dedicated team of biologist experts, bioinformaticians, data scientists and data manager
Enter the “Full Stack Data Offer” at any moment
e.g. we can perform data analytics on your own dataset
Make yours Biological Outcomes
Ready for sharing, valorization, long-term assets
Data Capture & Lineage
Achieve the first integration-level of Data/Metadata coming from diverse and heterogeneous species & specimens.
We offer a full-stack service: by design, your project will benefit from “data continuity”, starting from samples collection, lab. analytics up to bioinfomatics and statistical treatments: both samples and data are managed “under the same roof” which strengthens the whole data chain value and favors further data integration.
- Accurate data tracking and registering based on laboratory digitizing solutions LIMS for readout, eCRF for clinical endpoints, etc.
- Depending on your demands, we offer generic/centralized data warehousing solutions and deeper (meta)data relationships modelling and merging. This allows us to better handle the complexity of biospecimens and readout reconciliation originating from different clinical sites, (pre)clinical studies, samplings, time points, etc.
- We perform data wrangling to achieve data standardisation (use of ontology, data dictionary, etc.) and data enrichment (interoperability with literature and external biological reference database, etc.). Both are crucial steps prior to any accurate data analytics process.
- We adopt FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Reusable data) to govern our scientific Data Management backbone.
See how it’s applied in our case studies: MOSAIC, GNA-Now, COVID-AuRA Translate
Data Analytics
Make yours the latest advancement in Bioinformatics & AI/ML to address integrative analytics challenges originating from Translational & Precision Medicines, host-pathogen interplay or System Biology.
We have developed a holistic approach, by making the data most meaningful in order to reach refined outcomes. For this, we set up a continuous and virtuous feed-back loop between biological experts, bioinformaticians and data scientists.
With you, we define your project objectives in terms of set of clear, limited and unambiguous biological questions to be addressed.
- Our core analytics frameworks is able to adapt to a wide diversity of projects objectives: find molecular signatures from single-omics or multi-omics experiments, rapid profiling of microbiota in longitudinal samples, events correlation (e.g. local vs. systemic or late vs. early to decipher the MoA of an adjuvant in multi-species system vaccinology program), stratifying populations for precision medicine (e.g. poor/good responders), reducing signatures to improve an IVD test, etc.
- We explore data connections by deciphering the best suitable statistical models able to explain or predict response variables based on complex integration of molecular readout and clinical endpoints.
- We make you benefit from the cumulative advantage of BigData and Artificial Intelligence (e.g. Deep Learning algorithms) to explore new data type associations (e.g. omics, cytometry, image, etc.) as well as unsuspected potentials in terms of times to result gain, throughput and improved sensibility/specificity.
Discover more in our case studies: MOSAIC, COVID-AuRA Translate
Data Collaboration
Make your project’s knowledge actionable while retaining the full control on keeping or broadcasting information assets.
- We provide you with a data sharing web platform to access the data while assuring a strict role-based access control and secured information transfer.
- You have access to advanced tools for high-content & dynamic data visualization to reduce data complexity while falicitating results interpretation.
- We also design, prototype and implement all-in-one digital solutions, which integrate bioinformatics or statistical treatments as well as Visual Analytics for hypothesis-generation/testing and guiding decision making in clinical context.
- Data and knowledge are shaped to promote further valorization (IP, publication, licensing, etc.)
Read our case study here: Metagenomics